Staying Active Over Lockdown In Style
Has lockdown got us drinking more and feeling like this? We have put together some of our favourite online fitness trainers and workouts to get those endorphins flowing!
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The adrenaline rush of skiing down a snowy peninsula will forever be a feeling that is unrivalled. Skiing and snowboarding perfectly blur the line of ‘a good time’ and ‘high-intensity exercise’. Unfortunately, this winter, many resorts have remained firmly shut. National lockdowns have meant our access to outdoor exercise altogether has been heavily restricted.
It’s not all doom and gloom though! It has meant we have been on the lookout for new and unusual ways to break a sweat indoors. Enter, the wonderful world of home workouts, zoom live classes and a lot of jumping up and down in your living room.
Exercise is a great way to get those endorphins flowing. Of course, it doesn’t have to be an hour-long HIIT class which leaves your legs feeling jelly. Any and all movement is incredibly beneficial for your mind and body. Taking time each day to move your body, no matter how slow and steady, is a great way to look after your mental health.
We also know many of you will be keen on keeping up your fitness levels for when we can return to the mountains. And that’s why we have decided to tell you about some of our favourite online fitness coaches that have been making us laugh, keeping us sane and pushing us to be more active indoors!

First on our list is popular YouTube channel, Yoga with Adriene. The benefits of yoga are endless, and Adriene’s calming videos are a perfect way to start your yoga journey. Accompanied by her equally-as-zen dog Benji, each video is designed to tackle a certain mood, emotion or action. You can browse through Yoga for Vulnerability right the way through to Yoga for Writers. Adriene has also several follow-along 30-day yoga challenges, where she sets you a different yoga flow to complete each day. Taking part in one of Adrienne’s challenges is a great way of feeling a small accomplishment each day and many will benefit from the structure and routine they provide during lockdown.

Next, we move on to TV fitness coach and all-around national sweetheart, Joe Wicks. His fitness method uses short high-intensity interval training workouts which are sure to send your heart rate skyrocketing. Passionate about keeping kids active, Joe live streams weekly follow-along fitness classes straight on to his YouTube channel, The Body Coach TV. Joe’s workout’s run on infectious energy and positive vibes - the perfect workout to do with all the family.

Our next fitness star was recommended to us by friend of Powderhound and legendary food and travel writer Meredith Erickson. In our Q&A with Erickson, she shed light on fabulous choreographer Ryan Heffington and his dance workout classes ‘Sweat Fest’. We were not disappointed, and boy we can tell you, they live up to their name. Each week via his Instagram live, Ryan walks you through a series of hilarious, bold and joyous dance moves, all whilst wearing neon shorts and tie-dye. What’s not to love?

Lastly, we have Georgie Spurling with her tried and tested GS method. Georgie’s fitness programme focuses on your body working effectively from the inside out, improving stress levels, circulation, lymphatic system, gut health and more. Her method is low impact, non-aggressive, but always high burn. It works by turning on deep local muscles that barely get used in the body to help strengthen from the inside out. Contracting muscles for longer meaning quick results! Having followed her workouts for nearly a year now I can guarantee they will make you feel incredible with her contagious energy, you will build up a sweat!